The 26th, 27th and 28th of April in Condeduque.
At MadBlue we believe that new technologies and entrepreneurs are the key agents to generating new productive models. This new edition shows you a sample of technological proposals that offer innovative and disruptive solutions linked to the SDGs. From startups to corporate developments, at MadBlue innovation, we will showcase new products and services that are set to change the world and face future challenges.
MadBlue and DKV present Code-Camp, an initiative organized by Generación Code with the methodology of Our Code Camp helps students to find disruptive technological solutions that will improve the quality of life of people related to the problems derived from climate change. An exciting challenge in which young people will build their solutions for the future through programming games and digital stories.
DREAM BIG by imagin
MadBlue and imagin present the imaginPlanet Challenge, a competition of entrepreneurial ideas based on the Sustainable Development Goals aimed at young people who want to find sustainable business solutions to take care of the Planet.
The best teams will have the opportunity to participate in a Grand Final that will take place in Barcelona and will award the winning team with a trip to Silicon Valley in California.
“Alan Kay said that the best way to predict the future is to invent it. so let’s give light to new “inventors” and their ideas.”
The 26th, 27th and 28th of April in Condeduque.
We have designed a technology solutions exhibition fair that showcases entrepreneurs developing disruptive solutions that are set to change their sectors of activity. You will be able to interact directly with the most cutting-edge startups in Spain and experience and find out their projects personally.
BIOO generates electricity from plants by decomposing their organic substances through micro-organisms in the soil and releasing the electrons captured by their system.
PYRO Fire Extinction develops proprietary technologies that enable safer, more controlled and more effective action against forest fires. Specialized in forest fire extinction and prevention.
ARRECIFE Energy Systems offers a lightweight, easy-to-install system for extracting energy from waves, ocean currents and rivers. It can produce energy even in areas as shallow as 15 centimeters deep, inspired by the functioning of coral reefs.
CO2 Revolution fights climate change by offsetting carbon emissions and promoting reforestation projects that provide environmental and socio-economic benefits. They generate employment in rural areas and invest in technology such as drones and smart seeds to be more efficient.
Alga Energy develops the world’s most advanced technology in microalgae generation, enabling other industries to become more sustainable by transforming the CO2 greenhouse gas from its microalgae crops into commercial products for agriculture, cosmetics, nutrition…
Taiti proposes a new, more sustainable way of consuming bottled water through reusable stainless steel bottles. Users of its application can consume this water service at different distribution points and deposit them at the end, generating a cycle where no waste is produced.
NetZero is a global platform that allows institutions and companies to reduce their carbon footprint while driving nature-based solutions projects to improve our planet.
Gravity Wave specializes in collecting plastics in the Mediterranean. As well as helping to clean up our seas, these plastics are converted into high-value products and their sale finances the recovery of new waste harmful to the ecosystem. They offer their services to companies to generate a collaborative circular economy movement and reduce their plastic consumption footprint.
Dax Robotics has created robotic systems for HORECA to provide a better service. The company’s vision is not to replace people in these jobs, but to help them in their tasks. They develop robots to provide better service.
TOO GOOD TO GO Is an app that offers leftover food in shops and restaurants at a very good price. All you have to do is make a reservation and, at the indicated time, go to “save” your pack. TGTG dreams of a world without food waste and they work every day to achieve it.